Thursday, December 6, 2012

Frugal ways to keep Your Home Warm in the Winter

Considering the rising cost of heating up our homes during winter time, it has become necessary for us to come up with ways on how we can economize when it comes to keeping our homes warm. By doing so, not only are we going to save in terms of cost, but we might as well help our planet earth in terms of conserving energy. So here the winter comes, and with it the freezing cold that make us look for some warmth. What can we do to heat our homes in a way that will not consume too much resources? Well, here are some tips to consider:

 1. Look for an affordable and energy-efficient heater
 If you are planning to procure a heating system for your home, it is wise to consider if it is energy efficient, as it will give you savings in terms of cost.  

2. Insulate your home
A good insulation keeps heat inside your home for a maximum amount of time possible. One good way to insulate is by using thermal curtains, as it keeps heat from escaping from your home. Blinds can also serve as insulators. Just keep it open during the day when sunlight is available so that heat can come in. Before sundown, close the blinds while heat is still in the room, that way the heat will be trapped inside the your home. Bare floors can also be insulated using rugs, which will do a good work in keeping your feet warm. Also make sure to have sufficient ceiling insulation, as it is the main avenue by which heat can be trapped inside your home.  

3. Block Drafts
Drafty doors, windows, and vents is a channel by which cold air gets in and heat escapes. You can use towels to seal up Drafty doors as well as leaky window sills.  

4. Rationalize your heater use
You can save much if you will turn off the heating system during the warmest part of the day and when you're sleeping during the night. Another trick in regulating your heater use is by heating only one room at a time, that is, only the room that is being used at any given moment. While cooking, for instance, it would be wise to keep yourself in the kitchen where heat is available.  

5. Light up candles
Lighting up candles can be an awesome source of heat in the room, apart from the cozy ambiance that it brings about. Take note, however, that you are extra careful when you are using candles to warm up. You should never leave one unattended for any given period of time.